Executive Director, Concord Europe

Pavel Pavlov

Pavel is supervising Concord Europe, where his responsibilities include smoothly running the European business, extending the company footprint, and guaranteeing delivery excellence.

With a strong technical background, Pavel started his early career working on different open source and security initiatives in mobile communications and electronics. Later in his career, he led a variety of large-scale implementations for Fortune 500 customers. More recently, Pavel has taken on the roles of developer, technical lead, architect, and BA for business-critical projects across retail, healthcare, and insurance.

Prior to joining Concord Europe, Pavel created a software product company where he led the team in building a cloud-based AI development environment that enables businesses to innovate rapidly and automate portions of their text, image, and voice processing needs.


Do you have any fun or exciting hobbies?

I have a giant aquarium where I’m experimenting with tweaking the ecosystem in order to achieve maximum self-sustainability.

If you could be any superhero who would you be and why?

Dr. Manhattan! I really love how detail-oriented he is because of his watchmaker background.

Have you ever been told you look like someone famous? If so, who?

Yeah, it seems that some people think that I am Eminem…

What is your favorite summer activity?

Hanging out at the beach, but, unfortunately, my skin is not sun friendly. A few years ago, I spent a whole day at the beach, and I ended up with a nearly 3rd-degree burn.

What is one thing you did as a kid that you should have gotten in trouble for, but never caught?

Keeping in mind that my mother recently developed great interest in the internet, I would rather skip this one.

Tell us one thing no one knows about you.

I HATE bananas, like…literally.

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

Tokyo, Japan. I love Japanese visual culture and always wanted to immerse myself in the city.

If you could have unlimited storage for one thing, what would it be?

Data! I am always out of disk space since I keep every single thing that enters my machine for future reference.

What is your favorite TV channel?

I like cherry-picking shows from National Geographic, Animal Planet, and Discovery Channel.

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